Sample CDs und CD-ROMs von PROPELLER ISLAND (Lars Stroschen)

On this sample CD find 7 sets of the most famous sounds from the legendary M400 and additional one set of custom designed really mad FX sounds. Because the M400 is a monophonic instrument this Sample CD is organized in that way, that you hear allways two samples at the same time, one on the left channel and the other on the right, with the same IDs for the same note. At the beginning of each new set you hear a short demo to give an impression how it will sound when you have finished (for the demo I used these samples, not the original!). The M400 has 35 keys, each with it's own tape recorded. On this CD one complete set consists also of 35 mono samples. The single sounds have a max. lenght of 9s. The range for every set is G1 - F4. By changing the channels you choose the sounds you are going record. You can use a denoiser for sampling, but this will destroy the original 'dirty' sound. Because of age and tape quality slight pitch alterations or short dropouts may occur in some samples. Although I think this makes the charme of this instrument, you should take the neighbour sample and tune it, if you want to have a more 'perfect' set. To get a realistic sound of the M400, it is more important to have as many samples as possible than to have less but longer samples.
Good results for the sound you get if the loops have a lenght of about 3-4s. The loops should start about 1s after the samples start, depending on the sound. The frequency range is limited to about 12kHz (Strings...) or much lower (flutes...), so you can reduce the sampling frequency, sometimes down to 20 kHz. One set of 35 samples in this reduced configuration needs about 5 MB. Good results you will get also by recording every third note, if your RAM is small. But the most realistic M400 you have, of course, if you record all 35 notes in full lenght without any loops (what saves a lot of work!). For one of these sets you need around 22MB if sampled with 44.1 kHz.The sounds: OBOE, BRASS, CHOR, STRING 1, FLUTE, STRING 2, STRING 3, TREASURE ISLAND.
